Tuesday, April 26, 2011

B is for Butanding

"So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.
 And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:21
Butanding (whale sharks) are the biggest fish in the world, reaching over 40 feet in length. Although they have several rows of sharp, tiny teeth, they feed by sucking in water and releasing it through their gills; trapping their prey which consists mainly of algae and plankton. In the Philippines, the butanding feed and breed off the coast of Donsol (about 3 hours from Naga). They are friendly to humans, but their docile nature makes them a popular target for poachers. 

We left at 4 in the morning and arrived in Donsol at 7am. After watching a brief instructional video, Tita Mitzi, Tito Paul, Tita Tere, my cousins, Alec and Therese, and I climbed aboard our boat for our butanding adventure! 
The Rules:
Each boat is allowed in the water for 3 hours
30 boats are allowed in the water at one time
6 swimmers are allowed per boat + however many guides/sailors
Each swimmer must be accompanied by a guide on each dive
A single butanding may be viewed by the divers of only one boat at a time
Maximum interaction time with a single butanding is 10 minutes
Touching the butanding is strictly forbidden and will result in an immediate return to shore
Butanding sightings are not guaranteed

For the first hour, we had no sightings. Each time we dove, the butanding had already passed, but swimming in the middle of the ocean is exciting in itself and we remained hopeful. My first sighting I saw a spotted back about 20 feet below me.

After that I had 4 more sightings, I think I saw 3 different whale sharks? The shark I saw most swam so near the surface I could have touched him with my feet (but I didn't!). He was the victim of poachers who sliced big chunks from his dorsal fin and the the tip of his tail. ):

I honestly cannot describe how incredible it was to swim so closely with these huge, magnificent creatures. It made me feel very small.

On our way home, we stopped to hike up the solidified lava trail of the Mayon volcano. And then we ziplined down.. (:

Alec and Therese

Tito Paul and Tita Mitzi

yes, I saw my first spider. he wasn't huge.. length and width just around thumb size. still, YUCK


Tita Mitzi!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

the Lord is my Shepherd

Whenever I leave home I realize just how much I take for granted.. everything. I have lived a charmed life, always having everything I could possibly need plus more. Still I complain and covet, value things that fade away, and neglect what is of eternal importance.
On Friday, Sovereign Grace Fellowship held a day retreat at the park. We enjoyed a day of fellowship and amazing filipino food and listened to a series of sermons on Psalm 23 from Pastor Rolly from Moonwalk Community Bible Church. Most of the message was in Tagalog, but my many new friends happily translated their notes and discussed them with me. Psalm 23 is such a familiar passage, I often read it through without even thinking about any of it. Pastor Rolly's sermons gave back the verses' glory, revealing them once again as the profoundly encouraging words that they have always been. Too often I find that rather than looking to my Heavenly Father as my Shepherd, I wander off on my own. Prayer and meditation on the scriptures come after the chaos of daily life and my broken soul is not restored. Without Christ I cannot find the green pastures or still waters. I am forgetful, ungrateful, and rebellious.. and yet, despite my constant failing, Christ's sacrifice is sufficient. This is good news indeed.
Also that day, my friend, Loida, told me about her two best friends who have been recently saved. She is overjoyed that they can now truthfully say, "We are friends forever." Dear Church Chicks, I do not say this enough, thank you for being my best friends! We are friends forever. Thank you Papa for bringing us together, for your love, and for your illuminating preaching every week which I take for granted.. and which is all in English (: and to all of Providence Reformed Baptist Church, I love you and I miss you, thank you for your prayers! See you again soon.

Grandpa McClane August 8, 1928-April 8, 2011
A true knight in shining armor, I love you Grandpa.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

mahal kita

Double layers of insect repellant every day and still I am being eaten alive. Not just mosquitoes either! Last night, my feet were stinging and I looked down to see that I was standing on an ant hole.. not a hill, just a hole in the ground.. and ants were pouring out of it to attack me. Regardless, my adventures have been well worth it. This week, Ate Shielo let me tag along on a day trip to nearby municipalities to offer NCF scholarships to the mayors.

While I have spent all my time so far in metro areas of the Philippines, on the trip I surveyed the beautiful, tropical countryside. We passed hundreds of acres of rice fields and through rural villages. And I saw a carabao, also known as a water buffalo, the national animal! I didn't get a picture of him, so here is one from google.

That night my cousin, Lara, graduated from the prestigious Naga City Science High School.
Yay, go Lara!

The next day, Ate Shielo recruited me to voiceover a commercial for the college's new program in hotel and restaurant management. We went to a recording studio (and Daddy I know you're reading this and no I did not sing!!)  and after multiple takes, I finally read my script to the director's satisfaction. Our commercial will be airing soon on Filipino tv near you! Or more likely.. not anywhere near you.
the final product: http://vimeo.com/22072035

Most exciting of all, Peter bought a plane ticket!!!!!!!!! He will be here on May 13. I can't wait.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

delightfully busy

Last week I started my internship at the Naga College Foundation! The graphic designer responsible for all things paper-promotional-material recently resigned and since then the school has been outsourcing these assignments. It so happens that this is my major and I have been searching for an internship. brilliant. My first assignment is a poster advertising enrollment for our elementary department. It is mostly finished, but waiting on a few textual context changes. Everyone in the office is very friendly and helpful. (: My boss is Ate Shielo (Villanueva), my cousin! After my first day of work, she took me to the mall. Her husband, my cousin, Kuya Wesley is the manager of the mall and he gave me a behind the scenes tour. First we went into the movie theatre's film projection room. So exciting! And something I never thought I'd be able to see! Then to the mall employees' offices, the generator room, aand the helipad on the roof where the mall owner flies in by helicopter every so often for mall inspection. We climbed onto the helipad and although I am not afraid of heights, it was scary. It is a large flat circle with no railing and has a view of all of Naga City. After my tour, I was treated to a diniguan.. pig blood soup! I assured my family upon arrival that my goal was to fully embrace my filipino heritage and I would not hesitate to try any exotic cuisine. I passed my first test- the diniguan was pretty good! That night, we celebrated Lolo Juni's 74th birthday with chinese food and chocolate cake. On Sunday I attended Sovereign Grace Fellowship. Everyone was welcoming and I am so blessed to be sitting under solid, biblical preaching in a foreign country. The church invited me to their upcoming day retreat on Friday and the pastor who preached my last Sunday at Moonwalk will be preaching at the retreat. Lord willing, I will be attending this also and I am looking forward to it!

Sovereign Grace group

NCF group

my poster (notice the small print is good not bad!)
got a manicure + pedicure at the mall for less than three dollars!