Sunday, April 10, 2011

the Lord is my Shepherd

Whenever I leave home I realize just how much I take for granted.. everything. I have lived a charmed life, always having everything I could possibly need plus more. Still I complain and covet, value things that fade away, and neglect what is of eternal importance.
On Friday, Sovereign Grace Fellowship held a day retreat at the park. We enjoyed a day of fellowship and amazing filipino food and listened to a series of sermons on Psalm 23 from Pastor Rolly from Moonwalk Community Bible Church. Most of the message was in Tagalog, but my many new friends happily translated their notes and discussed them with me. Psalm 23 is such a familiar passage, I often read it through without even thinking about any of it. Pastor Rolly's sermons gave back the verses' glory, revealing them once again as the profoundly encouraging words that they have always been. Too often I find that rather than looking to my Heavenly Father as my Shepherd, I wander off on my own. Prayer and meditation on the scriptures come after the chaos of daily life and my broken soul is not restored. Without Christ I cannot find the green pastures or still waters. I am forgetful, ungrateful, and rebellious.. and yet, despite my constant failing, Christ's sacrifice is sufficient. This is good news indeed.
Also that day, my friend, Loida, told me about her two best friends who have been recently saved. She is overjoyed that they can now truthfully say, "We are friends forever." Dear Church Chicks, I do not say this enough, thank you for being my best friends! We are friends forever. Thank you Papa for bringing us together, for your love, and for your illuminating preaching every week which I take for granted.. and which is all in English (: and to all of Providence Reformed Baptist Church, I love you and I miss you, thank you for your prayers! See you again soon.

Grandpa McClane August 8, 1928-April 8, 2011
A true knight in shining armor, I love you Grandpa.


  1. kelsey! me and laura are sitting here reading all about your adventures in the Philippines...sounds like such a blessed time! we miss you though. stay safe! love ya!

  2. Sounds like you're having such a nice time! I love you so much!!
